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In 1987, Altamaha Laboratories, a small laboratory and facility management firm was founded by Merrill Tindall. Mr. Tindall had devoted 15 years to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and decided to follow his dreams of owning his own environmental firm. From its humble beginnings, Mr. Tindall grew his business into a leader in the water and wastewater industry within the State of Georgia. This steady growth over many years is one of the key ways Tindall has built its business on a solid foundation. In 1995, Mr. Tindall gained full control of the firm when his partners retired. It was at this time that Tindall Enterprises, Inc. was formed. Through his many years with the GAEPD, Mr. Tindall developed a working relationship with the many branches of the EPD, as well as other entities within the environmental industry. In May 2017, Mr. Tindall retired and passed the torch to his youngest son.

Now that the second generation of the Tindall family has taken over the company, those relationships are growing even stronger. As the new president/owner of Tindall Enterprises, Inc., Jonathan Tindall, attends meetings regularly in Atlanta with the EPD Directors and lawmakers of the State of Georgia to discuss current issues facing our public and private utilities. This relationship enhances the support that Tindall clients receive during storm events, emergency management, and other issues that may arise in the water and wastewater facilities. 

Tindall, through its partnership with the Georgia Rural Water Association (GRWA), provides training throughout Georgia in the disciplines of water and wastewater treatment and laboratory analysis. Because of this partnership, Tindall has developed a network of qualified operators that are seeking employment. This networking helps to insure there are always quality applicants when the need arises.

Tindall has been providing a full-service public-private partnership agreement for operation, maintenance, and management of wastewater treatment facilities for over 30 years. Tindall currently provides private laboratory and/or operational management services for 118 municipal, industrial, and private community water and/or wastewater facilities. This includes, 86 drinking water systems that range from small non-transient/non-community systems to public systems with ground water withdrawal of greater than 1 MGD and 32 wastewater treatment systems ranging from natural treatment such as ponds and wetlands/overland flow to activated sludge plants. These plants range from 0.05 MGD to 2.5 MGD. These clients require services including, but not limited to, wastewater and/or drinking water systems management, sampling and analysis, operational consultations, and data submission. Tindall also monitors and conducts sampling for thirteen (13) storm water monitoring plans and nine (9) watershed projects. The Tindall operations and management staff are well trained and equipped to handle any type of treatment system. Many of the facilities that we currently operate and manage were the first of their kind when constructed. Tindall operated the first Wetlands Treatment facility in the State of Georgia, as well as the only Kraus Activated Sludge Facility in the State. Our team adapts well to any challenge presented to them.

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